Canvas Prints

Turn your favourite photos into a stunning personalised canvas prints.

Knowle Photographic canvas prints are printed and made in our store by our skillful team. Each canvas is hand stretched over a sturdy wooden frame ensure perfection is created. Hand finished with tape and supplied with a wall hanger ready for hanging.

Canvas prints are a great way of displaying your favourite memories around your home or office. Our canvases are printed on professional artist canvas paper for a smoother finish. Our new 44″ wide format epson printer produces outstanding high quality vibrate colours.

We can can also print special made to measure sizes, please get in touch to discuss any special requirements.

  • Printed on professional artist canvas paper for a smoother finish
  • Various sizes available in portrait and landscape
  • Collage template designs available
  •  24 hour turnaround available
  •  Click & collect available

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